The ATH faith is vital to resisting transhumanism because it upholds God’s perfect plan for humanity, rejecting the belief that technology can improve or replace our divine nature. As society increasingly embraces artificial enhancements, the ATH faith serves as a spiritual anchor, reminding believers that true fulfillment and eternal life come from God’s grace, not human innovation.
Our vision is to protect our community from the deceptive promises of transhumanism, stand firm in faith, and strengthen our resolve to follow God’s divine plan. Through dedicated service, steadfast worship, and unwavering fellowship, we strive to create a fortress of spiritual integrity where individuals can deepen their faith, resist the corrupting influence of worldly forces, and prepare for the coming of God’s Kingdom. Join us as we unite in our mission to protect, defend, and prepare for the reign of God on Earth.
We believe that knowledge without action is incomplete. Our approach focuses on actively engaging with society to spread the truth about the spiritual and moral perils of transhumanism. Through public outreach, educational initiatives, and organized efforts in our communities, our worshipers become defenders of God’s creation, standing against those who seek to alter or diminish humanity. We foster bold leadership, compassionate dialogue, and unwavering courage to confront this growing threat. Together, we act with conviction to awaken hearts and minds to the path that preserves God’s design for humanity, preparing the way for His Kingdom.
Our mission is to guide believers in spiritual warfare, foster unwavering faith, and serve our community as soldiers of God’s truth. Together, we march forward to bring about His Kingdom on Earth, confronting the forces that seek to defy His will.
John 5:43: I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
Ciprian Pater
ATH Church is founded on the biblical message of salvation through Jesus Christ, with a strong emphasis on eschatology—the study of end times. We believe that transhumanism poses a significant threat to God's divine plan, acting as an enemy that seeks to alter His creation. Our mission is to uphold the sanctity of humanity as intended by God.
Biblical Reference: "So God created mankind in his own image..." (Genesis 1:27)
Transhumanism aims to enhance humans beyond their natural capabilities, challenging God's sovereignty over creation. We believe this pursuit undermines the divine image in which we were made and aligns with the prophesied deceptions of the end times.
Biblical Reference: "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator..." (Romans 1:25)
Eschatology helps us understand the times we live in and prepares us for the second coming of Christ. By recognizing the signs, including the rise of movements like transhumanism, we remain vigilant and faithful to God's Word.
Biblical Reference: "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come." (Matthew 24:42)
Yes, we believe that faith without action is incomplete. God calls us to actively defend His kingdom and uphold His teachings in the world. By taking a stand against transhumanism, we demonstrate our commitment to God's will.
Biblical Reference: "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." (James 2:26)
We encourage believers to engage in education, outreach, and advocacy to inform others about the spiritual dangers of transhumanism. Through community efforts and personal witness, we aim to uphold God's truth and protect His creation.
Biblical Reference: "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." (Ephesians 6:11)
ATH Churches stand united in faith, resisting the evil forces of transhumanism.
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